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Select Board Meeting Minutes 6/6/16
Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 6/6/16

Meeting Opened at: 8:34am
Select Board Members Present: Kenn Basler, Chairperson, Steve Weisz and Carol Edelman

Also in attendance for parts of the meeting: Stephen Moore for the Monterey News, Alice Berke, Linda Rhoads, Terry Walker, Jeremia Pollard, Tim Lovett, Dave Dempsey, Ray Tryon and Stan Ross

Miscellaneous Items Reviewed:
1.  Steve reported that the cell tower company is meeting with the Building Inspector and things are progressing.
2.  Minutes: Kenn provided a draft copy of the 5/31 minutes that he rewrote to read how he feels they should be written to get away from in his opinion “the novel type of minutes and be a more isolated, factual style of minutes”.  The OML was consulted.  Steve does feel that there are situations where emotions and the story behind the action need to be reported in the minutes for historical purposes especially considering the difficulties the Board has run into with elected officials.  Carol suggested that the purpose of the meeting minutes should be to effectively perform town business and that while M. Noe’s minutes are accurate and well written we should try to focus on summarizing them more and removing emotion.  The 2 sets of minutes waiting to be approved will be amended this week and reviewed again next week.
3.  Steve reminded everyone that the Select Board should not be communicating with each other via email (with the exception of scheduling agenda items) as it violates the OML and all communications should run through the Administrative Assistant.
4.  Next week’s meeting will begin at 8:30am.
5.  The Board interviewed Terry Walker for the grant writer position.  Terry stated that with most grants it would be impossible to write the grant writer’s compensation into the grant.  
6.  The Board interviewed Linda Rhoads for the grant writer position.
7.  The Board may need to reexamine approving a budget for a grant writer to be paid as a stipend rather than as a percentage of the grant.
8.  Kenn suggested that the Board needs to figure out a way forward by taking the high road to work better with the Town Clerk/Treasurer to eliminate the drama in town hall.
9.  The Board approved the annual earth removal permit for Tryon Construction.
10.  The Board met with Town Counsel and members of the Conservation Commission.  Topics discussed were use of counsel, status going forward and clearing the air.  Steve apologized for any confusion he may have created with his presence and use of counsel at the May Con Comm meeting.  Counsel noted that going forward he will make sure that any questions he answers are coming from a Board as a whole and not just one member and suggests that a policy should be created.  The Board discussed creating a policy for use of town counsel.  Our past policy was that any chair or department head had permission to contact counsel.  The Board suggested creating a list of names and positions that have permission to contact counsel and that there must be a consensus of the Board agreeing to contact counsel on the matter.  Jeremia will draft an updated policy.
11.  The Conservation Commission is interested in creating a shared agent position with other towns.
12.  Jeremia has received a response from the Taconic Foundation with regards to our letter.  They are reviewing it and will be in touch.
13.  The Board discussed the proposed social media policy and what controls/recourse the Board has for enforcement.  Per counsel the policy is not an enforcement tool but violation of the policy could be used to terminate employment with cause and prevent an employee from collecting unemployment.
14.  Update on Treasurer/Town Clerk concerns presented last week:
a.  Bond – M. Noe provided the Board with the latest issues noted by the insurance company with the application submitted.  The issues do not appear to be items within the Board’s wheelhouse and therefore will be forwarded to the Treasurer to address.
b.  Securing cash – M. Noe and Shawn Tryon will work on finding a secure drop box to leave cash in for the Treasurer in the meantime M. Noe will give Jen her old portable safe.
c.  Checks not cashed – Jen asked the Board to spread the word that she needs clerical assistance to be paid hourly or through the senior tax abatement program.
d.  Payroll distribution – the policy created was not followed, Jen will be asked to a meeting at her convenience within the next week to discuss policy
e.  New hire packets – these are now available.
f.  Transfer station credit card system – no response yet.
g.  Amended special town meeting minutes – no response yet.
h.  A letter was sent to Jen to request 2 dates that she would be available to meet at a special Select Board meeting.
15.  Carol received a call on the status of the creation of the Lake Garfield Tax District.  The paperwork has been submitted to the legislature for their approval.  If approved by the legislature it will then require a 2/3 vote of deeded lake rights property owners (stakeholders) of Lake Garfield.
16.  M. Noe informed the Board of her complaint made with the DOR with regards to payroll which they described as sheer lunacy and agreed to try and expedite the financial management review from Sept to July.
17.  Police Chief’s weekly report was reviewed.
18.  The Board discussed the internet company signs that have popped up all over Monterey.  The Building Inspector will be consulted about the bylaws next week.  Steve will also go to the Planning Board meeting this week for their interpretation of the bylaw.
19.  A motion was made to establish a Lake Garfield working group comprised of 1 Select Board member, 1 BOH member, 1 Con Comm member, up to 2 members of FLG and up to 4 members of the town (of which cannot be a current member (or immediate family member) of the FLG and will be chosen by a lottery).  The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.  A motion was made to appoint Steve Weisz as the Select Board member which was seconded and unanimously approved.
20.  Thank you letters were written to participants of the Memorial Day festivities.
21.  Mail was reviewed which included:
a.  Letters of interest to join the Town Administrator resume review committee by Jacob Edelman, Don Clawson, Jon Sylbert and Stan Ross.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 12:18pm

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

cc: Website (
Select Board Members
Minutes Book
Town Clerk

Documents reviewed:
  • Treasrespunsecuredcash
  • Clerkrespuncashedchecks
  • Edelmanresumecomm
  • ResumecommJSDCSR